
SIDINGSAFE® GREEN SAGE PPG-SS-22 SIDINGSAFE® STONEWORK GRAY PPG-SS-14 SIDINGSAFE® WATER BLUE PPG-SS-28 SIDINGSAFE® STORM FOG PPG-SS-24 SIDINGSAFE® SAGE SMOKE PPG-SS-23 SIDINGSAFE® VINTAGE GRAY PPG-SS-16 Body (Horizontal Siding): SidingSafe Gold Body (Vertical Siding): SidingSafe Light Almond Trim: SidingSafe Warm White Accent: SidingSafe Soft Brown An exterior palette consists of three main colours: body, trim and accents (fascia, shutters, doors). Body or siding colour should be the dominant colour and influence the choice of the others. Start by choosing your home’s personality with one of the colours on the inside of this card and remember these helpful tips. Look to your permanent exterior elements before choosing your colour palette. Colours do not have to match existing stone, brick, roof, and landscaping, rather coordinate your paint colours with the permanent ones to unify and complement. Garage door colours should blend with your home and integrate into the overall structure. Avoid bright and contrasting colours. Front doors do not have to be the same colour as your shutters. Consider a different, complementary colour to give your home even more appeal. THERE’S NO BETTER FEELING THAN FINDING THE PERFECT PAINT COLOUR